Your high school senior year will be occupied with a lengthy to-do list if you plan to attend college. To complete your high school education, you will be required to apply to college, evaluate financial aid information, and determine which institution attends. Aside from completing your high school coursework, you will also need to apply to colleges, sort through financial aid applications, and choose which university to attend.
Scholarship applications sometimes get lost in the shufflein the in the middle of all that chaos. appear to be an afterthought, are essential for reducing the cost of college. Scholarships are vital, even although they might not seem like a priority, if you want to save money on your education.
You can find and apply for scholarships for seniors in high school by following the steps in this article.
About senior high school scholarships
Merit-based and need-based scholarships are the two basic categories into which most scholarships fall. service involvement, academic, athletic, or artistic merit, may also be considered when awarding scholarships to high school seniors. Eligibility requirements for the majority of scholarships are quite specific.Aside from community service, scholarships for seniors in high school may also be given out on the basis of academic, artistic, or athletic merit. Specific eligibility requirements apply to the majority of scholarships.
Giving you a customized list of scholarship matches, makes it easier for you to find scholarships you qualify for.
Best Scholarships for High School Seniors 2024
1. The Elks National Foundation’s program
This scholarship has a value ranging from $1,000 to $7,500, known as the Most Valuable Student scholarship. To be eligible, you must also be a citizen of the United States.
To qualify, students must also pursue a four-year undergraduate degree full-time. Additionally, the foundation does not mandate that applicants be members of the Elks.
Purpose of selecting winners, the organization will evaluate financial need, grades, and leadership abilities.
2. National Washington Crossing Foundation
The National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship is open to high school seniors who wish to
Only citizens of the United States are eligible. The value of the one-year scholarship may vary between $500 and $5,000. In order to describe their motivation for government work and investigate any inspiration from George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River, students are required to compose a one-page essay of 300 words or fewer.
Additionally, students are required to submit a transcript and a letter of recommendation from a high school principal or guidance counselor.
3. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Each year, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation provides scholarships totaling $3.55 million to more than 1,400 students. Scholarship programs are available for three distinct institutions, including two-year colleges and community colleges.
Attendees of a four-year program are eligible for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship. This award is available to both U.S. citizens and permanent residents, provided that they maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. Each of the 150 students who are awarded the scholarship receives a $20,000 scholarship.
4. Cooke College Scholarship Program
The Cooke College Scholarship Program is available to high school seniors who intend to pursue an undergraduate degree after graduation. In order to be eligible, students must demonstrate financial need, with a maximum family income of $95,000. Additionally, students must maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in order to participate in the program.
The annual award of up to $55,000 is contingent upon the tuition price and any other scholarships that the student has received. Individuals who intend to enroll in college on a full-time basis are eligible.
5. QuestBridge National College Match
Low-income high school seniors who exhibit financial need to cover college tuition are eligible for this scholarship program. The QuestBride Match Scholarship provides four-year scholarships valued at more than $200,000. The scholarship program may also involve the matching of students with other forms of financial aid, such as grants and work study.
Students are required to enroll in one of the program’s partner institutions, such as Yale, Stanford, Brown University, and others. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
6. BigFuture Scholarship
This scholarship from the College Board is more akin to a lottery drawing than a conventional scholarship. There are two types of drawings: a $500 drawing and a $40,000 drawing.
The scholarship encourages students to begin the college application process and complete the necessary steps to secure acceptance and adequate financial aid.
In order to submit an application, it is necessary to complete each step by the designated deadline. In addition to qualifying for the scholarship drawing, completing the tasks will help you apply to college and receive financial aid.
Eligibility is not contingent upon a minimum GPA or test score, nor is there an essay component.
7. Scholarship from the GE-Reagan Foundation
Students who submit an application for the GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship are eligible to receive a $10,000 annual scholarship for a total of four years. Additionally, the foundation provides an all-expenses-paid retreat to California. Their utilization of the funds may encompass tuition, living expenses, books, fees, and other expenses.
Students must be U.S. citizens, possess a 3.0 GPA, and intend to pursue a four-year undergraduate degree. A letter of recommendation from a school principal or community leader is required in order to submit an application. A strong academic record and proof of financial need are also necessary.
8. Engebretson Foundation
The Engebretson Foundation offers scholarships to high school seniors who are enrolled in a four-year college.
You must also meet the following criteria: a 3.75 GPA or be in the top 5% of your graduating class, a 28 on the ACT or a 1240 on the SAT, and a demonstration of financial need. Another prerequisite for eligibility is the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
In conjunction with their application, students are required to submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher. Submission of the application form via email or postal mail is mandatory prior to the deadline.
9. Bryan Cameron Education Foundation
The Bryan Cameron Education Foundation provides four-year, full-tuition scholarships to students who exhibit exceptional performance in academics, community service, leadership, and extracurricular activities. Selected annually are between 10 and 15 students who demonstrate merit.
Students must be U.S. citizens and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.7. This scholarship is available to high school seniors who intend to enroll in a four-year college. You are required to submit a transcript and two letters of recommendation.
10. Unigo $10,000 Scholarship
While numerous scholarships mentioned above have stringent application requirements and high standards, the Unigo $10K Scholarship is significantly easier to apply for. Students are required to compose a 250-word essay that addresses the inquiry, “Would you prefer to be wealthy, intelligent, or amusing?”
Three Key Tips for Maximizing Your Scholarship Applications
#1: Conduct independent research.
Some of the scholarships mentioned above are quite generous national awards, which is why they are likely to be highly competitive. Regrettably, the applicant pool’s sheer size will likely diminish your chances, regardless of whether you are a strong contender. What can a student do ?
The positive news is that there are an infinite number of scholarship programs available. that aligns with your interests, location, background, identity, and other factors necessitates a modest amount of investigation. Likelihood of receiving an award increases as the scholarship program becomes more specialized (provided that you are eligible). Finding one: Conduct research on scholarship programs that are available to students with your specific interests, experiences, skills, or passions, or that operate in your area.
Scholarships offered by Ronald McDonald House Charities are an excellent starting point. Additionally, you may consult with your guidance counselor, who should possess additional details regarding scholarships that are available in your area.
Furthermore, you can independently research scholarships in your area by conducting an online search. If you possess a specific talent, skill, or interest, search for scholarships that are contingent upon those criteria.
#2: Apply to a wider range
Part of the process of applying for scholarships, similar to applying to colleges, is a numerical exercise. In order to increase your likelihood of admission to a top-tier institution, you would not submit an application to a single institution. Would you?
Many scholarship applications ask similar questions and require similar information. Therefore, it is advisable to apply to a multitude of programs if you are applying to a single program. In any case, the majority of scholarships are available for free; all that is required is a few hours of your time.
Finally, utilize applications that submit you for consideration for numerous scholarship awards, including the Horatio Alger Scholarship previously mentioned.
#3: Record deadlines.
There is no established “scholarship season” for submission deadlines, but numerous scholarship applications are due priority to the deadline for college applications. Therefore, it is advisable to initiate your scholarship search as soon as possible to ensure that you do not overlook any exceptional opportunities.
It is advisable to begin documenting programs that pique your interest during the summer preceding your senior year. By consistently updating a spreadsheet, you can keep track of application deadlines. Providing teachers and mentors with ample advance notice to compose a letter is particularly advantageous when applications require requesting letters of recommendation.